Worth Quoting

Sometimes the Lord calms the storm, sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Our Garden

I'm not sure we can say we have had the most productive garden, but we have had a garden. We've learned to allow more room for cucumbers and watermelons to "run" and if you have an above ground garden to make sure you have plenty of soil and a way to allow for water runoff. HOWEVER, it truly has been awesome to pick fresh corn, beans, cucumbers and tomatoes. The children have loved watching things grow and get so excited when it's time to pick something. I highly recommend having some type of garden with your family. The lessons alone that can be taught as things grow from just one tiny seed, makes it worth it. The fresh produce isn't bad either.

One of my amazing friends (Bonnie Higley) shared her recipe for fresh salsa. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I have been wanting to can it to see if I can store it. I finally canned a couple of jars and it's pretty good. It's not as amazing as freshly made - but it's much better than store bought. I also canned some pears (delicious) and some pickles.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post! For the third time my husband and I tried growing tomato plants in pots on our porch. Finally, we had a decent "crop" but I am in need of a good salsa recipe. I tried just winging it on my own and it turned out pretty bad. Would you be willing to share your recipe?
